Due to many requests from those who could not attend the first Webinar on September 24th
Martin will be presenting two additional webinars on Thursday, October 22

Title:      Diamond Prices and Profits

When:  US:        Thursday, October 22  – 10:00 am EDT
              India:    Thursday, October 22 – 12:00 pm IST

Where:  Via Zoom. Registration Required.

Covid-19 is having great impact on the diamond markets and prices. Many of the changes will be long term and force a fundamental restructuring of our jewelry industry. One important factor that will remain the same is the need for honest and transparent pricing information. The distribution of standardized price information is vital for the proper functioning of ethical, transparent, competitive, and efficient diamond markets. Martin Rapaport will provide important information about the impact of diamond prices on the jewelry markets as well as current price trends and future expectation.